Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What is CSS?

Hello and welcome the aptly named “Learn CSS and Web Programming” Blog!  Recently, I was asked by someone interested in building his own website what this “CSS thing” was.

It is my hope and goal that this blog will serve to answer that, and many other web design questions.  This is by no means the experts advanced guide to web design, but rather a blog by someone interested in, and constantly learning about web design.  That is not to say that I have no experience in web design, but rather i can admit that I am by no means an “expert.”  Every day i learn something new about web design, about the technology that powers it, and I' plan to share what I have learned throughout the years to help others get started in web design. 

From time to time, I plan to bring in guest writers, who I can easily call experts.  It is my hope that we will all learn together and succeed in our goal of learning a new skill or even just refreshing an old one :).